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5 SEO Techniques and Tips to Connect With More Readers!

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SEO Techniques
Search engine optimization is an extremely important part of managing your own websites. Without SEO your hours of work may never see more than a handful of visitors, even if it’s world changing content. Taking the time to optimize can open up a torrent of sustained, targeted traffic eager for exactly what you have to offer. While there are plenty of companies willing to perfectly optimize your site for a reasonable fee, learning some basic SEO techniques can give you a free leg up on your competition.
1. Short Tail VS. Long Tail
When it comes to SEO one of the biggest factors is choosing the best keywords for your content. Short tail keywords have a small word count, and typically large volumes of traffic and competition. Long tail keywords have a larger word count, and typically see a reduction in traffic and competition the longer they get. While some internet marketeers prefer to stick to many small niche websites with lots of long tail keywords and a couple pages, this strategy doesn’t typically work for larger websites such as blogs. When creating a larger website it’s important to spend a lot of time finding your perfect short tail keyword. This “target” keyword should have a fairly large amount of traffic and competition, but should still be something you feel capable of tackling. Your target keyword should be included in the URL, and most pages on your website. Short tail keywords can take months or more to capture, so it’s important to supplement them with relevant long tail keywords. Using lots of long tail keywords in each new post will help create a presence in search engines. This will help draw your first trickle of targeted search traffic, while boosting your visibility and credibility.
2. Reverse Engineer Your Competition’s SEO Techniques
The moment I first found out about SEO and basic monetization I started looking at the web in a whole new manner. When I visit a new website the very first thing I do is try to figure out how they make money online. I look for ad spaces, affiliate marketing, any kind of paid placement or reviews, email gathering techniques, and especially anything unique. The second thing I do is figure out who their target audience is, and how they’re targeting them. Using a keyword density tool is an excellent way to see the most used words and phrases on any page, and can give you valuable insight on new keywords to target. If the website is targeting an audience similar to yours, websites like Ahrefs can be used to see exactly where the majority of back-links are coming from. This knowledge can help you find hidden jackpots netting you huge amounts of back-links you may not have found otherwise. However, caution should be used not to jump on large amounts of irrelevant back-links just because your competition did. These types of links are frowned upon by Google, and should be seen as a chip in your opponents armor.
3. Stay Updated on SEO News
This is a simple tip but it’s one that for whatever reason gets overlooked by a large number of website owners. It’s very common for Google and other search engines to change its sorting algorithms with very little notice. Entire link types can go from exceptional to damaging overnight, ruining your progress without you ever understanding why. There are endless websites dedicated to SEO techniques, news, tips, and tutorials. While you may not enjoy reading all of them, it’s important to find a quality source of reliable SEO information. Umreviews recently posted a fantastic list of the best SEO blogs available, and I highly suggest taking a peek at a few of them. For those readers new to SEO I highly suggest finding and reading some in-depth beginner SEO tutorials. In the world of internet marketing, knowledge is power!
4. Take Advantage of SEO Plugins
Optimizing every page on your website to perfection can be a daunting task. However, using WordPress SEO by Yoast can simplify the process to the extreme. The developers of this plugin are masters of the SEO world with years of knowledge. Their plugin will analyze your posts and pages pointing out exactly where you need to improve. Everything from keyword density, to reading ease is factored in before toning it all down to a red, yellow, or green rating. While there are always many fine points a knowledgeable SEO expert can improve upon, this plugin makes life a lot easier for everyone else.
5. Back-Link Every Post
While back-linking can be a bit of a painful and rather boring process, it’s extremely important. Many websites will suggest SEO techniques that use automated tools to create back-links, however I strongly disagree with this advice. Using these tools can in fact get your website back-links very quickly, but it comes with a heavy risk. If the links start becoming irrelevant and too similar you can easily draw unwanted attention to yourself, resulting in a dreaded Google slap knocking you clean out of the search results. However, there are tools such as PutMyLink and DropMyLink that can point you directly at relevant places to comment or post. Commenting using KeywordLuv is an excellent way to link back to both your homepage, and one of your recent posts. Many sites will also increase your link exposure with the number of approved posts you have, as well as make them Do-Follow for sharing the article. It’s important to also include some .edu and .gov back-links where possible. These links are weighted much heavier than other websites, and just a few can sometimes be enough to put you on top.

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